Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)

Rubrics to Assess Departments

The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity has established rubrics to guide the work of Brown’s Departmental Diversity and Inclusion Action Plans.

Assessing progress toward the goals of the University’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan is critical for achieving a more diverse and inclusive community where all who live, work and study at Brown can thrive. This assessment was a key part of launching the implementation of the second phase of Brown's plan (DIAP Phase II, launched in 2021).

Each rubric developed by the OIED to guide the development and implementation of departmental action plans contains four impact levels by which progress will be measured. Departments are encouraged to use the rubric to conduct self-assessments in consultation with OIED.

Impact Level 1
A declarative effort to establish a commitment to diversity
Impact Level 2
A commitment demonstrated by an action, effort or program, such as a guest speaker or event
Impact Level 3
An action that is sustained and has shown positive impact, such as an annual professional development conference
Impact Level 4
Transformative and culture-changing practices through institutionalized and prioritized action